The Marketing Diary
Read about real-life marketing and project management experience, views and results. Follow our projects and see what worked and what didn't and especially what you can learn from our mistakes and successes.en-us../../images/v3/people/ Redesign - Hit or Bust?
The New York Times just publicly released their website redesign. Hit or bust? The key question from the website optimization viewpoint is whether the company actually split-tested the website live, on real users, and compared it against the old version to see how the redesign influences their key metrics.752@ Marketing Ramblings2006-04-03T19:06:18+00:00Joe Vitale's New Book Launch Campaign
Joe Vitale has another bestseller up his sleeve, and has again employed his tested strategy on how to reach bestseller status on Amazon in just one day.711@ Stories2006-03-08T07:55:40+00:00A Personal Story of Helping Hurricane Victims
One of my business partners, Karen M. Wilson, who was instrumental in helping me launch the RSS e-book on the US market, is one of the people you don't get to read much about in the mainstream press. But her story of how she did her part to help hurricane victims certainly deserves to be heard, perhaps even more so then most stories you can read about in your newspaper.620@ Marketing Ramblings2005-11-28T22:42:38+00:00Internet Marketing in Estonia
With the constant lack of time, I didn't really have the time to write anything about my speaking in Estonia last week. Exploring internet marketing there actually helped me establish a much better global perspective of our industry, especially comparing it with the US and with my home market, Slovenia. 612@ Marketing Ramblings2005-11-21T23:47:00+00:00The Revolution in Online Conversions: Google Analytics
Up until now, small-business marketers and independant marketers really didn't have that much choice in comprehensive web analytics services, as most were beyond their financial reach. Now, every marketer has been given an opportunity to dilligenty whatch their web metrics, especially their online conversion scenarios, and act on them to further improve his online conversions.598@ Marketing Ramblings2005-11-14T16:49:42+00:00Don't Put Obstacles on Your Conversion Path
The Sales Conversion Path is the online process that takes an online prospect and brings him to ultimately placing the order or any of the other key steps that aids you in your online sales process, be it in B2B or B2C online marketing. See how SiteExecutive are doing it wrong by placing obstacles on the way ...597@ Marketing Ramblings2005-11-14T16:36:38+00:00The Crazy Idea of Using Blogs for Business
Input from Slovenia on using blogs for business, and a great example of a mainstream publisher starting their own blogging service.592@ Marketing Ramblings2005-11-02T23:01:57+00:00Great Customer Service, Not Branding Creates Brand Loyalty
Branding is important, no doubt about that, but brand loyalty is best generated by excellent customer service, especially in this day and age, and not by "traditional" branding activities.560@ Stories2005-10-05T22:22:06+00:00Test Results: Optimizing Web Sales via Web Advertising Analysis
In one of the first such studies in the world, after a 1 month research period, which included advertising on 85+ web media and 50 different ad creatives, our preliminary results show that new customers were, on the average, exposed to the ad creative 16.9 times before making the purchase.537@ Marketing Experience2005-09-26T18:47:59+00:00The Future of the Marketing Diary
I've been giving alot of thought lately to what should happen to The Marketing Diary, due to the fact that I really don't have enough time to post regularly, considering all of my marketing projects and the other blog, The RSS Marketing Diary.533@ Stories2005-09-21T18:56:39+00:00The 7 Steps to Creating the Ultimate Small Business Marketing System
I just love John Jantsch and what he's doing teaching small business owners how to market their products and services. On September 21st he'll be doing it again, this time with a free teleseminar entitled The 7 Steps to Creating the Ultimate Small Business Marketing System, which he developed especially for his blog readers, but also extends the invitation to you.524@ Marketing Ramblings2005-09-12T22:40:22+00:00Heart Kids Blogathon
My friend Dr. Mani is a heart surgeon and, surprise surprise, an internet marketer. And he also innovatively uses internet marketing to help kids born with heart defects ... 485@ Marketing Ramblings2005-08-02T20:37:05+00:00Authentication, Accreditation and Reputation for E-mail Marketers
''By now,the words 'authentication,accreditation and reputation' (AAR) are staples of every email marketer's vocabulary. Generally speaking, marketers understand that these solutions are aimed at reducing spam and phishing. Unfortunately, however, much of the discussion around these developments has been technically dense, leaving many feeling hopelessly on the outside looking in. This white paper takes the clutter out of the confusing AAR story and focuses squarely on what marketers need to know to be successful in language that marketers can understand.''460@ Marketing Ramblings2005-07-14T23:07:58+00:00How New Michigan and Utah Email Laws Affect You
On July 1st two new U.S. state e-mail laws, which impact all e-mail marketers, came into effect. Penalties include jail time as well. E-mail marketing just got even tougher ...445@ Marketing Ramblings2005-07-04T19:31:28+00:00A Great List of E-mail Marketing Vendors
I've been looking quite heavily in to different E-mail marketing vendors lately, as I'm planning on switching from my current system to a hosted solution.431@ Marketing Ramblings2005-06-19T17:31:07+00:00