While most internet marketers are using syndicated internet content only to drive traffic to their web sites, generate leads and increase credibility, there are definitive strategies for turning online articles in to direct sales tools for practically instant sales conversions.
While still an entrepreneurial internet marketer about 4 years ago, my sales strategy for syndicated articles was simply giving a short "sales speech" about my product/service in the author resource box, trying to make a direct sale immediately. Today, 4 years later, I've found this strategy to be outdated and hardly producing any results at all.
There are now simply too many competitors on the market already full of mostly undifferentiated products. And even if the product stands out by its quality, it's difficult to break-through the clutter, since almost everyone is "promising the world".
I contacted Tinu Abayomi-Paul to help me bring my article marketing strategy in to 2005 and she is now working with me to develop a full and comprehensive article marketing system to promote "Unleash".
You see, it's not only about article distribution (RSS especially makes that process simple and easy), but about the underlying mechanics of how you use your article to approach your audience.
Here's an overview of what we're doing, in Tinu's own words:
"How do I get such good results? I'm writing a book about it now. Some people use them only for publicity, but I like to use them to generate impulse sales, and then get my backend sales off the subsequent follow-up via autoresponder and through the newsletter and blog subscriptions.
The basic idea is that it's a matter of 4 things:
1 - A targeted article title and resource box.
2 - Wide and/or high traffic exposure
3 - Lead the prospect to something they can try or get free after landing on a lead capture page.
4 - A decent sales letter as a confirmation page.
If you get all those factors right, articles are a money machine ...
and not just when I post them to other sites, but when I publish them on my own site first."
Hopefully, you too can take advantage of Tinu's excellent insights and turn your syndicated content in to a direct sales tool.
To help you get a better idea of how this works, we'll add some case studies in the following few weeks.